Q: Why do we have to pay to watch a live-streamed event?

A: To provide 100x Show viewers a world-class live-streaming experience, professional video production and additional streaming services are required. This significant expense is offset by pay-per-view, allowing us to bring entertainment to our audience online and on-site.

Q: What if a live stream I paid for is cancelled?

A: Any cancelled events will result in a refund, or the payment will be applied to a future event.

Q: Which 100x shows will be live-streamed?

A: Only events that have a professional production company and venues with internet infrastructure that meet our requirements will be live streamed.

Q: What is included with my pass purchase?

A: Your purchase will provide access to the live and on-demand streaming of the event(s).

Q: I don't see my account verification email when registering?

A: Please check your spam/junk folder of your registering email for an email from Local Sports Live if you do not see it in your inbox.

Q: If I'm not available to watch live, can I watch it later?

A: YES. With your purchases, you have access to the live event and all archived events.

Q: Who do I contact if there are any problems with my streaming?

A: With any technology and internet, occasional issues with the signal may arise. There is a Viewing Tips page available that can help resolve most issues. Click HERE to access it. If still experiencing issues, please direct all questions to